Sunday, December 2, 2012


This week, I will not be blogging 101 Things You Gotta Do Before You're 12! due to the fact that it was requested we talk about our new media project.

Ah, a new media project. For the entire month of December and part of January, we're going to be making short documentaries in media class. "About what?", you might ask. And I might say " About anything and everything and nothing and it will be amazing!" But alas, this is not actually the case, because whenever I try to say something intellectual in my life, it turns out to sound stupid, which really shouldn't come as much of a surprise, but, ya know...
So anyway. We're doing these short documentaries in media class, and we had to pick a topic. Depending on our topic, we got to choose the kind of documentary we wanted to make: a New York Times Op-Doc, a profile documentary about a certain person, an indiegogo, which is a website where you post a short video and can set up a fundraiser-type system to raise money for something by having people watch the video. (We can only do this one if there are two or more Change Project group members are in our CAP group, so that option wasn't possible for me.) The final type of movie we could make is a StudentCam film, which is a documentary competition done by CNN. Each year there's a sort of government themed topic, and this year the subject is something that you want the president to change in the next 4 years.

My group for this project is Emily, Grace and Sarah. We plan to do a profile documentary on a street musician in Washington, DC. I'm actually really excited about it! I think street artists and musicians don't always get the respect or attention they deserve, and I personally hold them in high regard (I think that's the right expression). Anyways, that's a little taste of what we're doing in media now. Next week, I'll be back with my book-blogging, so don't worry!


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