Tuesday, October 2, 2012


The title of this post (in case you haven't noticed, that title would be "Bar code" ) just also happens to be the current working title of my group's dystopian trailer. My group, by the way, consists of me, Milena, Martha and Sarah. I'm currently in the process of making a propaganda poster that probably will not end up going in our film, but it might be in one or two shots. I was having trouble getting it up on my blog, but it should be public on Google or the Internet or whatever making it public on GoogleDocs does. Did you know they changed Docs to Drive? Me neither. It's just super confusing. Well, back to my poster. I am having a lot of trouble figuring out how to embed my poster in my blog because I accidentally made it in the wrong Google account  (silly me!) and can't seem to get it up here, but I'll just describe it to you.

It's black with white writing that says "Faces are disgraces", "Clothing creates loathing"-and don't worry, there are no nude scenes in the film-and "Howdy makes it rowdy". These sayings probably make absolutely no sense to you, but I understand why. It's my trailer, not yours! In our dystopian society, everyone wears masks over their faces, have identical clothes and speak using a set amount of phrases written on cue cards. Cool right? Oh, and at the bottom of my poster, there is a bar code. Hence the title. Everyone doesn't have a name, they just are identified by a bar code. It suppresses the idea of individuality.
So that's my poster description, and I'll try to get my drawing onto the web so all of you devoted readers out there can see my beautiful work.


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