Saturday, October 27, 2012

Lazy Time with Ramona the Cat

Samantha was not able to post on her blog today, she had too much to do. Her feline friend Ramona  will be filling in for her.

 We are busy. All of us. Yes, even me. I eat breakfast at 7, and dinner at 6:30. I have a midnight snack at 10:30. Between those wonderful feeding hours, I have to sleep, poop, cuddle, meow, nap, purr, sleep, and pee. You tenth graders think you're stressed, but it's not easy being furry. Also, how do you think I maintain my rawther un-slim figure? I KEEP MYSELF BUSY!!!!!
It seems, however, that you CAP sophomores need to learn some time management skills. If you manage your time, you get to check off #15 on your 101 Things you gotts do before you're 12! list.
So go and have yourselves a lazy Saturday !

Hey everybody! Sorry about my cat. She's a bit insane. Very insane, actually. And fat, too. But she does have a point. We need lazy time! In the book I'm blogging, number 15, which is, if you didn't read the nice, bold, light blue font a few lines up, "Have a lazy Saturday". But for a 15 year-old in CAP, honors chem and Pre-Calc, as well as a bunch of after school activites, not doing anything productive for a whole 24 hours is pretty difficult. Well, okay, it's doable. Just not without getting that guilty feeling that you were supposed to write those news briefs for Journalism or do that worksheet for math or clean your room and water the cats and feed the plants. (By the way, don't feed the plants. EVER! Even if they beg for blood. Especially if they're called Audrey II.) Get my reference? Well, who cares? Bottom line, I probably won't have a lazy Saturday until winter break. Things need to get done. Sort of.

Have you ever tried to look at the bigger picture. I mean, not just the life-size cardboard cut-out of Obama standing in your living room, but the bigger picture of life? We put so much stress on homework, grades, school. We're constantly worried about the future, be it the next five minutes, hours or years. Even me. If you're in my math class, you've experienced my (rawther obnoxious) reaction to stress considerably often. We feel like we have no time, and though Ms. Cullen might disagree, we really don't. Not necessarily for doing school assignments, but actually doing things we enjoy. This might be a cliche (sorry again, Ms.Cullen), but we have only what, 80 more years to live. Well, be lazy once in a while. Not ignoring homework, but just letting the day take you along. It might be nice to take a nap, or play a board game you haven't taken out of the box for 8 years. Just find something to do, but don't plan ahead. Just sit and think for a bit, and maybe it'll end with you attempting to fly a 4 foot by 4 foot kite. Just maybe.


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