Thursday, January 10, 2013

What I've Learned From Chemistry Class

 Stoichiometry is not mentioned EVER in this blog post. Sorry Ms. O'Donovan. Also, this kind of has to do with religion, so maybe I might get in trouble?..

About a week ago (I think it was last Thursday), I went to the bathroom during chemistry, which is my 45minute class in the middle of the day. As I was walking to the bathroom, I passed a staircase, and on the landing, 15 or 20 teenage boys were on their knees praying.
At first, I didn't know what to think. Was it a class? Were they doing yoga?(They were in Child's Pose). If they were praying, what religion was it?
I returned from my bathroom excursion, and told the two people sitting next to me. A thought occurred to  me that they could be Muslim, so I asked a girl in my class who was also, and she said it was one of the times of day people prayed.
The idea that people were praying during lunch, and maybe for some of them during class, was in the back of my mind for the rest of the day. It was one of the most mind blowing-okay, not mind blowing, but fascinating- things that had ever entered my head. Because usually I don't think about useful things, nor do they manage to stay in my train of thought for long.
To me, I think, the most fascinating part of it all was that these kids were so devoted to their religion that they were willing to go into the hallway in the middle of school and pray.
I personally have yet to really work out my feelings on god and religion and all (Don't yell at me, I'm in high school!), but I think it's amazing that people can have that sort of devotion to something, and that that strong a belief can be instilled in someone who probably hasn't figured out a lot of things in their life. The pride and devotion it takes to go out into a place where you could and probably will be judged for your actions (because this is  high school), is a lot. And I hold those boys in very high regard.
As a matter of fact, I hold many people in high regard. It's just that to me, being able to be certain of your opinion on something that can impact your life in a big way, or being able to be proud of some large characteristic of your life, and being able to express that in a place where you could be seen differently for it, is a wonderful, fantastic trait I wish I possessed.Just like those teenage boys on the landing during 6th period.
Because not only does it mean you can be certain of your beliefs, it means you can take pride in what you believe.
Here's a song by Mumford & Sons about being certain in your beliefs:


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